Sunday, November 6, 2011

its been a busy week

monday I started my new job.

its only temporary through the holidays and I feel like I’m plenty ok with that considering I still make more off unemployment. the system is screwed up!

I didn’t have to be into work until 9 that morning so I was up and in the gym early to crank out my run. 4 miles. done!

tuesday I worked a few hours again.

and once again I was up early and in the gym getting my sweat on.

Hubby and I are running a 10k in Moab on December 3rd. and he wasn’t been running. so I made him promise me that if I made him a little plan he would really stick to it. even if that meant 45 minutes on the elliptical. he quickly wanted to change his mind.

wednesday I knew Hubby needed to get miles on his legs. 4 weeks is kind of a short time to be preparing for a 10k without much running. I think I’m only going to have him run 2 days a week. I don’t want him to get hurt. Hubby ran 3 miles at just under 9:00/mile pace. I ran 4 again.

after the gym I came home and packed to go take care of my mom. she was having gall bladder surgery on thursday and since I’m the closest to her…she asked me to come take care of her.

I was scheduled to work friday at noon so my plan was to leave friday morning, but when mom was still not looking good thursday night I didn’t feel safe leaving her. so I called into work and stayed with her. so happy I did. I ended up being her chauffer.


I got a reward for being nurse maid! pretty sweet!

Hubby went deer hunting wednesday after I left…


and got us some meat! we aren’t going to starve this winter. he said he figured that it weighed about 200lbs. now its my turn!

I came back to sheridan on saturday morning. we were under a winter weather advisory and I didn’t want to get stuck in the storm on the mountain. we got very little snow. so disappointing.

I got off work at 12 today and went and had my nails done since this morning at the meeting my boss made it a point to tell us how nice and neat we needed to look including our nails…blah blah blah. and all the other girls have their nails done…so I figured it was directed towards me. whatever.

I’ve settled in to watch my Pack whoop some Chargers.

hopefully by tomorrow I have some super exciting news to share!


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