Saturday, March 5, 2011

nothing exciting

since we got home on wednesday from our trip to 7200 feet (did you miss it? you can check out monday and tuesday/wednesday recaps) I haven’t done a darn thing. I knew that we would be home early enough wednesday that I could get in the gym or go for a run outside if the weather allowed. but I didn’t do either one. I just couldn’t find the motivation even though I knew come thursday it would kick my butt. and it did.

it was looking to be a nice day out so I allowed it to warm up a bit before I headed out. I hadn’t eaten anything all morning and I’m afraid that was my first mistake. I had drank my pre-workout supplement and could feel and hear it sloshing around in my belly the whole time I was out. my legs and calves were super tight. I didn’t perform well. I was super discouraged when I got home. I cut my run short and had to walk a long distance. so I knew to feel better I had to do something. I ended up going to the gym that night and seeing if I could do any better on the treadmill. sure not. I still had tight legs, and felt like my cardio had been shot. I could barely hold a 9:00 minute/mile pace. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been running almost 6 miles at this pace…and I couldn’t even do 1? I pushed through it. I got 3.3 miles in 32:00 minutes. not exactly what I wanted, but it had to do. I stretched out and came home.

friday…I was hoping for a little better of an effort and hoped to feel better. Hubby had to work Thursday night, so when he got home from work Friday morning he promised me he would go to the gym. ok…I’ll wait and treadmill it today. I had to go into the “office” to do a background investigation, but that lasted all of 2 hours and then I came home. I decided to lay down and take a nap around 230pm. I thought, I’ll get an hour in….I actually got 2….oops. Hubby woke up at 430pm with me and got ready for the gym. I took my workout supplement right before we left. its usually supposed to sit in my system for 30-45 minutes. it sat in my system for maybe 15 minutes before I climbed on the treadmill….I headed off on a “I’ll run until he’s ready to go” run, but I got a side stitch (not fun!) about 5 minutes into it. I walked. I was mad. I let it subside and cranked it up again….but it returned. I gave up. I was ready to go. so I waited patiently for Hubby to finish.

I was so sad, that I decided it was still nice enough to go out for a run and I thought I would have plenty of daylight left. so as soon as we got home I grabbed the pup and we headed off. only I still got the side stitch again! grr….very frustrating. I wasn’t doing anything differently than normal. I chalked it up to me not letting my pre-drink settle in my belly enough. the pup and I finished 2.78 miles in 26 minutes. I had to walk a little and it was mostly uphill. but I still finished with under a 10 minute/mile pace. it was a little colder than usual and I didn’t wear my vest. although the only thing that was cold was my legs and I didn’t realize that until I got home and then started to warm up and they started itching….oh yeah…and maybe the purple coloring when I got home might have had the Hubby worried.

today, I saw that it was suppose to be a high of 39ish, so I waited until after I was positive that the Wyoming Cowboys were going to lose to BYU (should that even been a question?) before I left. I made sure I had eaten and given my belly plenty of time to digest (cookies a hour before still might have not been a good idea) and drank my supplement 35 minutes before I headed off. I still got a side stitch within the first 0.5 mile. I walked again. I just want to be able to run without resting! I (and the pup) ran my little 5K loop +1 mile with the added distance to and from the house. I ran it the opposite direction. won’t do that again. Smile there is a killer hill that I walked up. I was whooped. I think I would gradually go up rather than run straight up 1 giant hill! I ran the loop in just under 30 minutes…which will be my goal for my first 5K…a sub 30 minutes. totally do-able! I ran the whole thing in 41 minutes. still not what I wanted, but that’s ok.

tomorrow is a day off of running and I will consider it cross training! we are headed to hit the slopes at a little ski area. Hubby is getting to go and he is super excited!

sorry for the lack of pictures…I had to get my feelings, frustration, sadness out somewhere. next week is a new week (and I think worse weather which may put me back in the gym for runs) and I will push hard to get better at my runs.

I will be sure to make up for lack of pictures today in tomorrow’s post!


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